5 Pillars Wellness

Health & Wellness Testimonials

What clients are saying about services at 5 Pillars Wellness:

Public Energy Classes/Meditations:

A million thank you's for the birthday  meditation and activation today.   It couldn't have been more wonderful.  I am so amazed and grateful.”       BA Delaware

 "I just finished the new moon meditation and I feel glorious! Lightened and enlightened! This meditation is so powerful! I feel positive energy and renewal and hope and clarity right here within me. Thank you so much for making this possible, for guiding me to open up and recognize what does not serve me or those I love, and to welcome and embrace all the good in myself and others. Thank you for sharing your gift with me, with others, with the world. I am already looking forward to the next new moon meditation."   MJB Delaware

"I’m loving my Daily Energy Routine (DER).  Working with the hubby and kids too, as well as some of my yoga clients."   Andrea Boulden  Yoga Instructor

Christine is a very gifted energy worker and presenter, combining several forms of Energy Medicine in her practice.   Her presence is calming and authentic. She uses a series of techniques to help the body return to a state of balance and harmony so healing can take place. I have been able to incorporate Energy Medicine into teaching Yoga and also into my Massage practice.  I highly recommend Christine as an Energy Medicine practitioner.   Lil Lack   Lil Lack Yoga & LMT

As a licensed massage therapist, I use the daily energy routine to balance and ground my own energy before engaging with with the energy fields of others.  Many of my clients come to appointments stressed out and anxious in addition to physical discomforts. Energy medicine gives me techniques I can use to alleviate that even  before beginning the session. 

I adapt some of the techniques for use in a massage session and often I show my clients simple things they can do off the table to to enhance their session and prolong its positive effects.  Combining energetic healing techniques with massage has resulted in powerful results for many of my clients.
 Cheryl Maxwell, LMT-Esthetician-Reiki Master

Individual Sessions:

Words cannot express the thankfulness I feel for having you by my side during the most awful period of my life.  Your support and guidance helped pull me through.  You are truly an earth angel.    NW New York

After weeks of not sleeping I had just one session and I slept straight thru the night thanks to the power of energy medicine and your healing touch!!!   Boundless  gratitude, Christine!"       LRL New Jersey

After spending most of the spring dealing with constant congestion that my ENT doc could not relieve , I am now breathing comfortably again after just a few sessions with Christine!    CT  Delaware

I have worked with Christine for more than  two years.  I was under medication because of depression, anxiety and trauma in my life.  These issues have basically gone away.  I'm so happy!  She is an excellent practitioner.  Christine is like an angel!   EO  Pennsylvania

Through our distance emotional release work I was able to release suppressed negative energy and memories and fill the space with forgiveness thus creating health for myself.  This has made a profound difference in my life.  DMH California

I have known and worked with Christine over the past five years.  She is an amazing energy worker; perceptive, calm and very focused.  Her energy is palpable.  I always feel more relaxed and focused following her sessions.      WD Florida

What I love most about Christine is that she empowers clients to heal themselves.  She wants you to walk away with the tools to enrich your own life and those around you.  My life has changed dramatically since I started seeing her.  i would recommend her to anyone looking to change their life for the better.     JM  Delaware

When I attended my first energy session with Christine I was full of anxiety and not coping very well.  Through the work we did we were able to map out a plan of action that was very helpful.  The relaxation techniques were easy to learn and put into practice.  I was able to let go of old things that were dragging me down and consuming my day.   I became able to readjust my thought process to become more mindful and present. I would recommend her unique approach  to anyone.     MJR Delaware   

Thank you again for sending me Reiki, the essential oil recommendations, and the hands-on energy work you provided during my heart arrhythmia issues that began September 2014 and up to my scheduled heart ablation in April 2015.  I had great anxiety dealing with the side effects of the arrhythmia medication and facing the heart ablation procedure.  I feel strongly that your work had a tremendously positive impact on my situation and helped me to ultimately not require the ablation, and subsequently no medication as well!  It’s such a relief that my heart is whole and stable and does not require medication that creates a lower quality of life!   Thank you for sharing your powerful wisdom and healing with me.  What a gift!  Namaste.    LC Delaware

I was doubtful that anything was going to help my eye floaters.  Christine gave me some simple eye exercises to do, she  showed me how to hold a liver point on my foot and she had me use Frankincense essential oil  around my eyes.  I did this routine twice daily.  After the first week I noticed an improvement.  I had an eye appointment a few weeks later. The eye doctor was very happy to see how much clearer my eyes were.  The floaters had decreased significantly.  I will continue to use these tools.  I’m so pleased to see more clearly. Thank you!   

TH Delaware


I was a mess when I first started seeing Christine for energy healing.  I was having anxiety attacks and positional vertigo which left me tired and nauseous.  I  felt quite depressed and hopeless.  After working together my mood started to brighten and much of the emotional baggage I brought from my past started to dissipate.  Today I am happy and focused, have no anxiety and the vertigo is gone.  I am more energetic and I am back to my workout routine.  Christine is  wonderful and possesses a great talent in energy healing. I highly recommend her services.  FL Delaware

Working with Christine, the energy re-balancing, and the wellness products she uses helped me change my lifestyle to the point that I no longer have acid reflux, a condition that was previously uncontrolled with more traditional means.  During the middle of the night I was also visiting the bathroom because of what I call the  "old man" disease.  I am no longer getting up at night!  It is hard to believe how far I've  come but I'm living proof. The  changes are well worth the time and money invested.  Thank you!     GL  Delaware

Corporate Stress Reduction:

We work in a highly stressful business.  The workshop gave us tools to use on the spot to reduce stress and the employees are still using and talking about their experience.   JB

I learned I do not have to be in control of a situation to be productive and effective.   CAC

The Breathing and Mindfulness tools are the most helpful for me.  The program was great!   JO

This workshop proved the importance of using stress management techniques to improve mental and physical health.    SA

This workshop was beyond expectations! The most informative and relatable seminar I have ever attended. Life changing!!     CT

I like the tool where you focus on a stressor and apply pressure to the head.  I think it got me totally over one of my issues.  Win!   AA